I am not a paranormal expert nor researcher. I am just the pastor of a local church but I encountered something about 3 1/2 yrs ago that made me think I was visiting the twilight zone...or the Amityville house had been resurrected. It was like nothing I had ever seen.
I can tell the story but I am not at liberty to mention names, at least not here. I was sent some pictures from a new family in our congregation in Sept. 2005 of the evening sky out back of their house just before and after dark. The first one is at twilight and the second one came out in a line of pictures that appeared to be perfectly normal.
The evening was clear weather, no moisture. The owners tell me their camera lens was clean. Nonetheless after taking several shots of the crescent moon sky they got one result that looked like this:
I had seen orb pictures before and didn't pay them much attention because I agreed with skeptics that they were only dust or water droplets, but this was different. I got a really eerie feeling about this one. That feeling was soon justified by what happened in that house.
In late December, 2005 the owner and his wife phoned me and told me that 'all hell had broken loose' in their home. Plates were flying across the rooms and shattering on the floor, candles were lighting by themselves, kitchen drawers an cabinets were opening by themselves and being dumped on the floor. Chairs were overturned, objects were swiped off of kitchen counters, tables, and the fireplace. It was utter chaos. I could even hear the sound of what sounded like a man walking in heavy boots from upstairs but the owners entire family were all in the living room together and he found no one upstairs upon investigation. I could hear the children cying and a concerned mother trying to calm them down. I prayed fervently that the Lord would stop the attack and for safety for the family. I prayed with them nearly all night; then at 5 AM it stopped abruptly and all was quiet, at least for the time being.
But that was just for starters. I made perhaps a dozen trips to their home over the next 1 1/2 yrs in order to help them and see that house be rid of malevolent spirits that I think I can rightfully call devils. In the battle they sought to harm them and they sought to harm me also.
On my first visit to the house after the attack I found the owners wife and children were outside in the but maxi-van. They were to afraid to be in the house because of all the terrible things that were happening. As I spoke with the owners wife I noticed that one could see through the basement window and that there was candlelight on the floor inside. So his wife followed me into their basement and I was immediately confronted with what you see below:
Actually, as I remember it, the first star I saw painted on the floor was green but we were confronted with so many of them that I cannot now place them all in the order that they came. Each time we painted over the star with white paint. There were occasions when we had just finished white washing the floor only to discover within moments that the star and lighted candles had returned!
I reacted with disgust for I knew that these folks not only were not involved in the occult but they didn't know anything about it. They were the kind of people that were afraid to even talk about spiritual warfare. Well, I quickly outed the candles and kicked them aside. Soon we found ourselves involved in a full-scale war with the forces of darkness.
So began a hard, tough battle that would emotionally drain all of us at times. We had to search the house from top (3rd floor) to bottom (basement) to find all of the occult items that had been hidden in the house. We found those items and destroyed them according to what the Christians did in Acts 19:11-19.
Continuing; the spirits in the house performed all kinds of strange phenomena, one of which was writing in the mirrors, on television screens and on the windows.
On two occasions the owners wife and her eight yr old daughter actually saw the spirits writing their evil messages on the mirrors. The words were always some insult or warning to 'get out' of the house. Only by prayer to the Lord and the Bible were we able to stand up to those vile wretches.
Early on in the conflict the owners wife and her sister-in-law were bent over picking up clothes to put into the washing machine in the basement when they suddenly heard a 'whoosh' and a 'thud' over their heads. They stood up to see a butcher knife sticking into the stone wall about one foot over the washer.
How the picture got there is anyones guess but it was a picture of the owners wife that he had taken of her a few months earlier. The knife had her sliced right down the middle. Not being the only one who was harrassed by any means but she took the brunt of the attacks; stands of hair were pulled out in gobs, she was knocked to the floor countless times, pushed down the stairs injuring her ankle, and she was burned on her back, and so it went throughout the conflict.
The owner of the house was quite disturbed to see his wife in a picture stabbed by a butcher knife in a stone wall. But whoever/whatever threw that knife had to throw it at terrific velocity in order to plant it a half-inch into solid stone.
The owner grabbed his camera & took a series of pictures of the knife & photo in quick succession. But this is the way the pictures came out;
Followed by this:
Notice that it is not just the picture which is changing color but also the wall. And then this;
Followed by this:
This last picture looks back to 'normal' but it still has a deeper color than the first one. There is no rational explanation for these pictures which were taken only seconds apart from each other to be so different. At this point the battle started to become very intense and the poor, frightened little family with five adopted children were exposed to things that few people can grasp or comprehend. I am thankful to the Lord that they won the battle and the house was cleansed of the evil. They lived there 2 1/2 more yrs before they put the house up for sale and moved to our town. The house now sits quietly waiting for a buyer.
In early spring, 2005 one of the females in the house informed me about some dreams she was having. She said they concerned a red fox named 'Halitt' and that he was trying to divert her from her chosen path in life. I wasn't sure what to make of this but this devil made himself known in a number of ways. He wrote his name in the mirrors with a message & seemingly caused general havoc for the one who had the nightmares.
When we found this red star painted on the floor we discovered what looked like a reflection in the middle of the knife blade;
We did a couple of close-ups to that reflection in the center of the knife.
As soon as she saw this blow-up of the reflection the one with the nightmares told me that Halitt was in the reflection on the far left. A fox's head, upper right ear, chest, arms, and legs can be seen on the far left. But there are several other spirits in that reflection also.
Below is a close-up of the close-up revealing some of the other spirits who must have been hovering over us as the picture was taken. Why the picture taker was not in the photo is anyones guess. But even more mysterious; why was there a reflection on the knife surface to begin with. When it was picked up off the floor there was nothing on the blade.
I count at least six other devils in that photo besides 'Halitt'. We encountered so many of them during this conflict that I began to mentally connect them with the picture of the orbs. It was as if God had given us a great hint at what we would face in attempting to cleanse this house of evil and what a great task was ahead for us. Using the name of Jesus Christ we cast out every one of them, but it took a lot of time and prayer to do it. It was a very hard ordeal for all of us.
In the fall of 2006 the family received a mysterious package in the mail that had no return address. Inside the package was this jewelry:
We had no idea who it came from but later, the owners wife observed it levitating in front of the bathroom mirror. She got about six pictures of it, the best three of which are seen below;
The pendant was being held in mid-air about a foot in front of the mirror. Here is the front-on view;
The third view is not as good as the others but nonetheless, here it is;
When we had taken all the pictures we felt we needed I commanded the spirit in the name of Jesus to let the pendant drop into the sink. Instantly, the pendant fell and here is the picture of it a moment after I made the command.
After examining the pendant I recognized its occult nature and so we destroyed it. Christians are commanded to destroy things belonging to the occult so we took a hammer to it and then disposed of it eventually;
The reason Christians are supposed to destroy occult objects is because they are used by practitioners of magic in spells and curses which call forth demons. Christians don't need any other spirit than the Holy Spirit in answer to prayer. That is precisely what helped us to defeat Satan and the powers of darkness which had become part of the very fabric of the house. But no sooner had we destroyed the first pendant than another pendant mysteriously showed up, this time around the neck of the owners wife without her knwoledge of it. So beautiful was the pendant that a neighbor who was visiting the house commented to her how lovely the pendant was but his wife thought she was merely commenting on a necklace she had owned for some time. I had to point out to her that she was wearing the occult pendant. She was shocked when she looked into the mirror and saw it around her neck.
This item was also destroyed, but again, once it was disposed of a third occult object showed up, this time it appeared right in front of the owners computer screen. It had not been there moments before.
It became clear to us that our invisible enemy was determined to maintain their horrible grip on the house and they wished to involve the family in the occult in one way or another in order to maintain that hold. But we destroyed everything that had anything to do with the occult and with them the devils were slowly but methodically cast out of the house. At times, family members could even hear the devils as they were cast into the pit of hell by the Holy Spirit (and/or angels).
Below is one last picture of the floating pendant. It is closer to the viewer than it seems and the reflection of it is right on the right edge of the mirror and just out of sight.
The battle of the house was fierce but it became clear to me in time that the malevolant spirits had picked on the wrong family for their trust in the Lord was strong. They outlasted the devils and eliminated all of them in time
We found 78 tarot cards scattered througout the house, but it seesm that the Lord forced the devils to cough up many of them for we saw a few dozen of them simply materialize in mid-air and fall to the floor around us. When I realized what was happening I attempted to video record some of them materializing. It was terribly frustrating but I think I finally got one on the following:
If you will watch the upper left corner of the video recording after the scenery reveals us in the basement you will see a card form out of thin air. But it happens so quick that I decided to put the matter on freeze frame which you see below:
It appears that the card is still transpartent enough to see through but I must be honest and admit that that may be due to the quick movement of the card as it falls through the air from my upper left down to my lower right...ending up on the floor. I can tell you that there was no one standing to my left. The owner and his daughter were far to the right and his wife was several feet behind me.
It took us many months to find all the tarot cards and when we burned them out back in the burn barrel some of the family members could hear the devils screaming as they were turned into the pit by God's Spirit and/or angels.
Some of the tarot cards we discovered were so old they had yellowed. It looked to me as if they were made in the late 1800's which is the time the house was built. We continually found the tarot cards in conjunction with the stars (pentegrams?) that were painted on the floor of the basement.
But the strangest part of the story concerned something the owners wife and daughter saw. I received a phone call from them one evening in the early fall and his wife told me that there was a very strange looking man standing in the cemetery across the street just staring at the house. I asked her to describe the man. Well, I had just reviewed a movie entitled 'Underworld' and its sequel 'Underworld Revolution' and I saw what I figured were some of the devils we were fighting revealed in those movies. After she described the strange man I instantly copied, pasted, and sent her an e-mail of what I suspected was the man she saw. This was him:
She said that was exactly what he looked like except that he had no armor on. So she went to get her oldest daughter as a witness and when I questioned her later she told me that the man in the picture I e-mailed them was the same man standing in the cemetery across the street. I told them to get a picture of him but when they attempted it, the man moved quickly forward and to their left very quickly, and seemingly transformed and vanished into the air. They did manage to get at least part of his vanishing:
To me it looks like side view of a bat in flight. It was therefore very interesting to come across something on the Internet which seems to bear up the existence of bat-like devils, accidentally caught in photos that were done by people who were not even looking for such things. The following picture was taken by an elderly woman in England at Christmas time. She was only trying to get pictures of her newly finished Christmas decorations and the first picture was clear. But the second picture gave her more than what she expected:
Sure enough, we had to fight yet another devil and he called himself 'Lucas' which interestingly enough was the name of the vampire devil depicted above in 'Underworld Revolution'.
Those in the household who could actually see the devils told me that this is what 'Lucas' looked like:
After seeing one of the females in the family actually bitten by one of the devils before my very eyes, I began to take them seriously.
Lucas, the batwinged devil, left his mark in the house just as Halitt had done before him only he was much stronger and more vicious than Halitt had been.
Just how serious was this conflict? The following video clip was started as soon as one of the females in the house started being bitten by one of the devils.
Were it not for the Lord's restraint upon their evils, there is no doubt that that devil would have taken a huge chunk of flesh and bone out of her arm. But she prayed, confessed her sins, and asked the Lord for deliverance and then I cast the flesh biting devil to go down into the pit. This never happened again to her.
Another view of Lucas (from Underworld Revolution);
Not all was gloom and doom for the poor little family with six adopted children. Just as the devils left their mark in so many ways, God's angels did the same thing. We found this imprint of a monarch butterfly in the basement.
At first, we could not grasp why the devils would give us a beautiful symbol as opposed to all the ugly artwork and curse words they used against us in their messages. But we were soon to find out that it wasn't the devils giving this symbol. After discovering this imprint I noticed something on the forearm of the female that had been bitten by a devil:
We observed that every time this happened something very good would happen to her and/or the family. Money would come unexpectedly, things lost would be found, unexpected friends would visit, among other things that helped to encourage the family through this time of darkness and conflict.
On one occasion I was counseling the above mentioned female outdoors when she came upon seven monarch butterflies next to a small river.
She kneeled down and put her index finger in front of one of them and instead of flying away (as one would expect of butterflies in such an instance) the monarch came upon her finger and stayed there for quite awhile while we talked. It was a delightful moment for her. Then I noticed another imprint upon her arm like the first one and again a blessing was given to her in a very short time. Someone who has been beaten, kicked, burned, and hair pulled out needs something special to survive such an onslaught and God gave her this.