Spells to become Vampire
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'Ghost of figure' caught on camera at 16th Century Mansion
This is the eerie footage which apparently captures the ghost of a 16th Century Tudor mansion. A group investigating paranormal activity took the video which appears to show the image of a person standing on a staircase at Stanley Palace in Chester. Sefton Paranormal Investigations describe the...
Top 5 Scariest Ghosts from Japan - Unexplained Mysteries
Japanese ghosts (yurei) are spirits that have been prevented from a peaceful resting place by dramatic events during their life. Often they are murder or suicide victims . In other cases, an injustice has sparked intense desires of love,revenge, sorrow or hatred — these desires are so strong that...
Ghost of Mae Nak Phra Khanong in Bangkok's haunted temple - Unexplained Mysteries
Mae Nak Phra Khanong ('Lady Nak of Phra Khanong'), or simply Mae Nak ('Lady Nak'), is a well-known and popular Thai ghost. Local folklore insists the story is based on actual events that took place during the early 19th century. It is a ghost story that has been told and retold for several decades. It w...
The Ghost of the Hollywood Sign - Hollywood's most-haunted Hot Spot
As a promising actress, Peg Entwistle gained only moderate fame, but her ghost has become the stuff of Hollywood legend. Entwistle gained notoriety after she jumped to her death from the 'H' on the Hollywoodland sign in September 1932 at the age of 24. This famous Hollywood landmark perched atop Mou...
Hantu Jeruk Purut (Ghost of Jeruk Purut) - The headless priest
According to local belief, Jeruk Purut is haunted by the ghost of a decapitated pastor. The ghost is said to carry its head around with it, and be followed by a large black dog. He is reportedly looking for his grave, which is said to not be in Jeruk Purut but Tanah Kusir Cemetery. According to The Jakarta...
The Fisher's Ghost Legend - Fishers Ghost Campbelltown Australia
The legend of Fisher's ghost is a popular Australian story dating to the early 19th century. The legend of farmer Frederick Fisher is one of the most popular ghost stories in Australia. On a calm June evening in 1826, Fisher left his house in Campbelltown to run some errands, never to return. He was go...
Chiang-shih - The undead Vampire creatures of Chinese mythology
The Chiang-shih are undead creatures of Chinese mythology, with similarities to the European vampire. Instead of feeding on the blood of their victims, the risen Chiang-shih were said to suck the breath out of the living. Like many European vampires, they were said to have long hair, eyebrows, and...
Creepy Historical Vampire - The Terrifying Tale of Peter Plogojowitz
Peter Plogojowitz (died 1725) was a Serbian peasant who was believed to have become a vampire after his death and to have killed nine of his fellow villagers. The case was one of the earliest, most sensational and most well documented cases of vampire hysteria. It was described in the report of Imper...
Rokurokubi - Long Neck Japanese Legendary Ghosts
Rokurokubi which are related to Nure-onna are yokai found in Japanese folklore. They look like normal human beings by day, but at night they gain the ability to stretch their necks to great lengths. They can also change their faces to those of terrifying Oni to better scare mortals. In their daytime...
The Conjuring and its True Story - The Harrisville Haunting
In December 1970 Roger and Carolyn Perron purchased a farmhouse in Harrisville, Rhode Island. Following events at their previous address, Carolyn decided she did not want to rear her children there and felt a house in the country would be a more suitable location for her 5 young girls to grow up. Wha...
change me
hi my name is chad and i want to be a vampire i all ways have im fanund to it will always want to be one so m looking for some one to change me ill will join u and let you lead me and the one who changes me ill do anything u ask for 10 years with out questioning
The Faceless ghost - A Nopperabou - Mujina of the Akasaka Road
The Noppera-bo (Noppera-bo?), or faceless ghost, is a Japanese legendary creature. Noppera-bo (or Nopperabou) appear to be ordinary humans but they are actually shape shifters. They usually appear to the victim as someone they know before erasing their facial features to scare them. Theyre al...
Krasue - The Floating Head Thai Ghost
The krasue, known as Ap in Cambodia and as Kasu in Laos, is a nocturnal female spirit of Southeast Asian folklore. It manifests itself as a woman, usually young and beautiful, with her viscera hanging down from the neck, trailing below the head. According to Thai ethnographer Phraya Anuman Rajadho...
The Haunted Wedding Dress - Baker Mansion in Altoona, PA
A Wedding Dress in a room at Baker Mansion is said to be haunted by the daughter of the man who owned this house. Elias Baker built Baker Mansion in 1849. He was a very proud and snobby man and dominated his family. When his daughter Anna fell in love with a local steelworker, Elias told her she was forbidd...
The Haunted ‘Conjure’ Chest - Conjure Man' Curse
150 years ago Jacob Cooley ordered his African American slave Hosea to build a chest for his first child. Hosea set to work, crafting a wooden chest of some remark. For some unknown reason his master was displeased with his efforts and beat his slave to a pulp, killing him. Cooleys other slaves vowed t...
The Ghosts of LUCEDIO ABBEY : Unexplained Encounters
According to legends, It is written that in 1684 many young girls who lived in the area met the devil in their dreams. After seducing them, he sent them to visit the monks at Lucedio's Abbey. The girls managed to corrupt the abbey and convert the monks to Satanism. From that moment on, a long history of ev...
Okiku - Ghost Story of Japanese Haunted Devil Doll
The haunted japanese doll Okiku, possessed by the spirit of a 10 year old girl who took refuge inside it. Some time after the funeral of the girl, the hair of the doll began to grow. Although the dolls hair is cut regularly, the hair grows again and again. A mysterious doll possessed by the spirit of a chil...
Urban Legends of White Lady Ghost
In popular medieval legend, a White Lady is fabled to appear by day as well as by night in a house in which a family member is soon to die. According to The Nuttall Encyclopaedia, these spirits were regarded as the ghosts of deceased ancestresses. Castle Huntly, Scotland, is said to be haunted by a youn...
Ghosts of Flight 401 - The official airline of the paranormal
The most extraordinary and credible research into the ghost phenomenon ever documented is the so-called "Ghosts of Flight 401." On December of 1972, an Eastern Airlines Tri-Star jetliner, Flight 401, crashed into a Florida swamp. The pilot, Bob Loft (on the left), and flight enginee...
Paranormal Presidents and Ghosts Stories at White House
The most famous address in America--1600 Pennsylvania Avenue--is also perhaps the country's most famous haunted house. Presidents, first ladies, White House staff members and guests have reported feeling ghostly presences, hearing unexplained noises and even running into actual appariti...
Phantom Hitchhikers : The Vanishing hitchhiker Ghost Stories
The vanishing hitchhiker (the ghostly hitchhiker, the disappearing hitchhiker, the phantom hitchhiker or the hitchhiker) story is an urban legend in which people traveling by vehicle meet with or are accompanied by a hitchhiker who subsequently vanishes without explanation, often from a mov...
ANNABELLE - The Haunted Doll
This is a terrifying case of a raggedy Ann doll named Annabelle. The case is from the 1970's and is highlighted in the book The Demonologist. This is one of the Warrens most asked about cases. The referral came from an Episcopal priest. A somber toned clergyman told Ed Warren of two young nurses who had c...
Robert - The Haunted Evil Doll
Robert, otherwise known as Robert the Doll, Robert the Haunted Doll, or Robert the Enchanted Doll; is a doll that was once owned by Key West painter and author Robert Eugene Otto. The doll is alleged to be possessed by evil spirits and has a terrifying reputation. The doll, which is allegedly curse...
NOW SEEKING families with children that have or have had past life memories for THE Biography Channel
Are you a parent whose child has or is experiencing past life memories?Have you always wanted to meet and hear from other families / parents who are going through the same thing?Has your child told you details of his or her inexplicable memories of another life?NOW SEEKING families with children tha...
DLT Casting
The Real Life Legend of Slender Man
There are legends and myths that have been around for centuries and have seared themselves into our minds and culture. Then there are those that have been brought to life by way of modern technologies reminding us of nightmares that should have been buried and forgotten. One such legend is known thro...
Vampire Husband Drank Wife’s Blood for the Last Three Years
Deepa Ahirwar, a 22-year-old woman from Indias Madhya Pradesh state, has recently accused her husband of drinking her blood on a regular basis, for the last three years. Although it sounds like the story of a cheap vampire movie, young Deepa swears shes telling the truth and even bears the scars to pr...
Mysteries of Witch Bottle
The witch bottle is a very old spell device. Its purpose is to draw in and trap harmful intentions directed at its owner. Folk magic contends that the witch bottle protects against evil spirits and magical attack, and counteracts spells cast by witches. A traditional witch bottle is a small flask, ab...
**** Lane ghost - Scratching Fanny
The **** Lane ghost attracted mass public attention in 18th-century England. In 1762 an apartment in **** Lane, a short road adjacent to London's Smithfield market and a few minutes' walk from St Paul's Cathedral, was the site of a reported haunting centred around three people: William Kent, a usu...
All you wanted to know about Vampires
Vampires are mythological or folkloric beings that subsist on human and/or animal lifeforce. In most cases, they are reanimated corpses who feed by draining and consuming the blood of living beings. In folklore, the term usually refers to the blood-drinking humans of Eastern European legends, b...